On the 11th hour, on the 11th day, on the 11th month of 1918 (November 11, 1918), an armistice was declared between the Allied Forces and Germany ending the Great War subsequently called World War I.  Known as Armistice Day in 1938 it became a Federal holiday in the United States to commemorate veterans of World War I.  After World War II and the Korean War, it became known as Veterans Day to honor American veterans of all wars.
Frisco VFW Post 8273 conducted several events to commemorate Veterans Day.  It began in early November with Alejandro "Alex" Hernandez, and his flag squad conducting the flag raising on November 4th in Frisco, Texas; and the flag lowering on November 12th.

Our post showed up in full force at the Frisco Veterans Day Parade.  The Post Color Guard led the parade followed by Motorcycle Group 17 and post members riding in classic cars.
VFW Post 8273 Chaplain Don Fink was selected as the 2023 Frisco Distinguished Veteran.  He was honored at the Frisco Council meeting on November 7, 2023, by Mayor Pro Tem John Keating and Congressman Keith Self. 
The Frisco Veterans Advisory Committee, VFW Post 8273 members, family and friends attended this event.
Congratulations Don from all your comrades at VFW Post 8273! 

The Post Color Guard presented the Colors at Frisco Leadership Prep School on November 9, 2023, as part of their Veterans Day program.  Senior Vice Commander John Q. Miller and post member John Keating gave speeches about Veterans Day to the students, faculty and guests.

 Senior Vice Commander John Q. Miller                                          Post 8273 Member John Keating